Not that there isn't a wealth of info out there, but here are a few tips I've found so far.
(Obviously there is a spoiler aspect here, but try not to blow the main story line with info)
Upgrade Dutch's camp accommodations asap!.. your gang becomes more productive, which makes it easier to upgrade camp essentials
DON'T break a new horse until you complete the Josea hunting mission!! You will lose any secondary horse as a part of that mission
Sell Josea's workhorse at the Valentine Stable. There appears to be a glitch with that mission. The sale price is $52.00, the screen says $5.20
A stranger on the road to Valentine gets poised. Give him medicine, and you'll get a free gun at some point when you visit town
If you don't want to blow tons of cash on a faster horse, at Twin Stack Pass, at some point you will encounter a stranger shoeing a horse... if you question him/offer help... you'll get a free American Standardbred if you take the time to chase it down ($120 or 150 at the Valentine Stable).. Thoroughbreds are faster, but for a freebie, you simply can't go wrong here
Not that there isn't a wealth of info out there, but here are a few tips I've found so far.
(Obviously there is a spoiler aspect here, but try not to blow the main story line with info)