Quote from Jes1125z >> Quote from Manuel2284 >> Quote from romeischillin >>
Quote from Manuel2284 >> Quote from romeischillin >> Quote from Manuel2284 >>
Quote from romeischillin >> Quote from Manuel2284 >> Quote from romeischillin >> I'm also hoping to get back into Spider-Man... its the first game that I legit want to 100% complete in regards to trophies and all that good stuff... still need to get my hands on the DLC though.
Quote from Manuel2284 >> Quote from romeischillin >> I'm also hoping to get back into Spider-Man... its the first game that I legit want to 100% complete in regards to trophies and all that good stuff... still need to get my hands on the DLC though.
i heard this was a good one.. might try this one now that its cheap
I highly recommend... gives you multiple ways to play... can put the game on easy and enjoy a light challenge while immersing yourself in the story or increase the difficulty to give yourself more of a challenge... I'm long overdue to play again as my commute has been kicking my tail since I moved to my new place.
Quote from romeischillin >> I'm also hoping to get back into Spider-Man... its the first game that I legit want to 100% complete in regards to trophies and all that good stuff... still need to get my hands on the DLC though.
i heard this was a good one.. might try this one now that its cheap
Quote from ehwozz >> blow some stuff up in GTA that always helps
Holy cow what happened to Beavis?
Meanwhile, I need to take this advice to heart haha
I'm also hoping to get back into Spider-Man... its the first game that I legit want to 100% complete in regards to trophies and all that good stuff... still need to get my hands on the DLC though.
Hottest game to play right now (I have yet to play it though) is Apex Legends... but then again I have never played Fortnite... Fortnite did however magically download on my XBox One this weekend... don't know how or why because it didn't do that on my PS4... but yeah... for me personally it'll be MLB The Show 19 in 2 weeks.
Red dead apex fortnite forza horizon 4 gta If u have a switch then smash bros
Quote from Vostof >> I'm mainly just waiting for MLB The Show 19 to be released. Playing some God of War, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I've even gone back to playing some Diablo III to play the Necromancer.
I am also waiting for mlbtheshow to come out Quote from NewYorkJetsFAN >> Quote from
Quote from Vostof >> I'm mainly just waiting for MLB The Show 19 to be released. Playing some God of War, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I've even gone back to playing some Diablo III to play the Necromancer.
I am also waiting for mlbtheshow to come out Quote from NewYorkJetsFAN >> Quote from
I'm mainly just waiting for MLB The Show 19 to be released. Playing some God of War, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I've even gone back to playing some Diablo III to play the Necromancer.
oh and in march and april you'll be able to play the division 2, devil may cry 5, days gone, dead or alive 6, and mortal kombat 11
here are some more for you to consider bro...
metro exodus crackdown 3 the walking dead resident evil 2 overwatch anthem fifa 19 counter strike league of legends PUB rocket league fortnite sea of thieves madden 25/15/16/17/18/19 black ops 3 and 4 halo mcc
Quote from ehwozz >> blow some stuff up in GTA that always helps
lol true true
What’s the hot game to play right now? I need to take a break from madden. Between this shitty patch and getting a server disconnect in game 10 of house rules I’m so frustrated with madden I think I need to try a new game. I’m on Xbox btw.