when he tries to compare you going for a blocked punt compared to rushing a passer, makes him look like a serious idiot among everything else. your job is to take down the QB, thats mindset not hitting he punter is the mindset, Skip is a soft bitch that wants the league to be as soft as him. this is getting ridiculous, there hasnt been a hit like the rodgers hit last yr that ive seen this yr, not because they are stopping them selves, Barr legit made a dity play and drove him down, this is football, not flag, they want men to plat with children rules.
when they say what fans want to see, I want to see hard mouth football, not this soft nonsense. but its all about the ratings
Seriously watch this video and tell me he isn’t an idiot.
Not like Skip didn't deserve it. I follow the guy on Twitter just to see people shit on him constantly.
He's made a damn good living being the type of personality he is though, so I have to give him props there.
Skip is an idiot when taking about any sport. My favorite was when he tried to downgrade the mavs’ run by saying they did nothing defensively to stop lebron and that Lebron decided not to try in the finals the year they lost.
But James Harrison was legit a dirty player :roll: I may actually be on skip's side
Quote from misk53 >> I hate the Packers and Clay, but I agree with him and Harrison. If we are going to not let the qb get tackled, then the qb’s progression needs to be stopped much quicker. Once there is contact with the qb then whistle the play dead.
Skip saying just just put your arm around and bring him down is laughable. Big Ben will make you look stupid as will Rodgers, Wilson, and many other qbs.
skip is such a moron. finally unfollowed him on twitter. i follow a lot of people on twitter...
I hate the Packers and Clay, but I agree with him and Harrison. If we are going to not let the qb get tackled, then the qb’s progression needs to be stopped much quicker. Once there is contact with the qb then whistle the play dead.
Skip saying just just put your arm around and bring him down is laughable. Big Ben will make you look stupid as will Rodgers, Wilson, and many other qbs.
Quote from Hiacios >> Quote from Da_Rippa808 >> Sigh skip acting like he knows what he’s talking about and not playing a down of football In his life, is embarrassing.
Yeah, Harrison asked him how many years he played defense and Skip answers that he's never played and then says I've been a "journalist" a lot longer than you've played football in which Harrison tells him I've football a lot longer. Skips an asshole for that.
Quote from Da_Rippa808 >> Sigh skip acting like he knows what he’s talking about and not playing a down of football In his life, is embarrassing.
Yeah, Harrison asked him how many years he played defense and Skip answers that he's never played and then says I've been a "journalist" a lot longer than you've played football in which Harrison tells him I've football a lot longer. Skips an asshole for that.
Sigh skip acting like he knows what he’s talking about and not playing a down of football In his life, is embarrassing.
6:10James Harrison raising his voice at Skip was awesome! Skip actually thinks that he knows more about football than Harrison. :lol: