It was a horrible trade. Dunbar shoulda gotten them a 3rd at the very least, but I guess since he's in contract year, no one wanted to give up a higher pick and have to pay for dunbar.
That was a bad deal maybe a salary dump ? The Hopkins trade was worse though because Houston had to also take David Johnson and his salary At least Washington got a pick and no David Johnson But it is right up there
Seems strange to post this here when there's a dedicated sports discussion forum, but hey do you.
This seems like steals of all steals in a trade during NFL FA. Seattle gets a starting CB ranked #2 by PFF last year and the Redskins get shafted with a 5th round pick. I feel like the Redskins didn't even try to fight back and get anything better out of this deal. The Redskins could of at least gotten a 3rd round pick for Dunbar or at the very least keep the 5th round pick and get a conditional pick next year. I mean, geez, he's going to be the Seahawks new starting #1 or #2 CB and for that all you get in return is a 5th round pick?
I thought this was the new regime for the Redskins, looks more like the same to me.