
NFL QB Matchup Cam Newton v Tom Brady

Open Discussion



Not even sure why this is debatable


Now we can declare Montana the winner


Cam is horrible so this is an embarrassing comparison


I'm just happy the best man won this round, good job Muthead, way to stick to the #Fax


Quote from dolphaholic >> this is the part where all the annoying people be like "dolph you can't live in a world of what ifs"

 Ding Ding. We have a winner!


Quote from LiamHURLEY >> Quote from Socksfly >> Quote from colton_toy >>


Quote from Socksfly >> Quote from colton_toy >> Quote from xXKnightMare1 >>


Quote from Socksfly >> Ok, Colton. I get that. I think we were talking about the same point, because you were trying to say that there was a correlation between team record and quality of QB, whereas I was specifically looking at SB result and quality of QB. You can interpret "SB result" as team play, which makes it the same as your point.  

While certainly it is true that teams with good QBs win more games than teams with bad QBs, I feel like it is too broad of a concept to apply to any individual QB.

And I agree with that lol. So much of it just personal opinion. That's what makes talking about football so enjoyable for me.


this is the part where all the annoying people be like "dolph you can't live in a world of what ifs"


if you put brees or rodgers on the pats instead, we would see more impressive results imo. that's what i'm getting at.


Ok, Colton. I get that. I think we were talking about the same point, because you were trying to say that there was a correlation between team record and quality of QB, whereas I was specifically looking at SB result and quality of QB. You can interpret "SB result" as team play, which makes it the same as your point.  

While certainly it is true that teams with good QBs win more games than teams with bad QBs, I feel like it is too broad of a concept to apply to any individual QB.


Quote from Socksfly >> Quote from gametyme89 >> Who's the better football player.. Cam

Who's more athletic.. Cam

Who's the better passer.. Brady

Who's the better rusher.. Cam

Who's more accomplished.. Brady

You're welcome

 3-2, Cam's better.


Quote from Socksfly >> Quote from colton_toy >> Quote from Socksfly >>


Quote from gametyme89 >> Who's the better football player.. Cam

Who's more athletic.. Cam

Who's the better passer.. Brady

Who's the better rusher.. Cam

Who's more accomplished.. Brady

You're welcome

 3-2, Cam's better.


Quote from colton_toy >> Quote from Socksfly >> Quote from colton_toy >>


Who's the better football player.. Cam

Who's more athletic.. Cam

Who's the better passer.. Brady

Who's the better rusher.. Cam

Who's more accomplished.. Brady

You're welcome


Quote from TruexxAzn >>

 Might add to this. Just letting y'all know! :D ! Have a great day!


Quote from Socksfly >> Quote from colton_toy >> Quote from HarshP722 >>


Quote from colton_toy >> Quote from HarshP722 >> Quote from colton_toy >>