Barry was the Lions O.....they were beat up in their division with Barry being the only positive for Detroit fans.
Barry's lines may not have been great, but Kevin Glover, Lomas Brown, Bill Fralic, and Jeff Hartings weren't scrubs by any means.
Walter didnt have much help either. The bears defense was terrific.. Their offensive line was much better. .so barry had to probably do more. Agreed
Quote from misk53 >> Quote from PatNation >> Barry is he greatest rb of all time imo
Agreed, with a slight nod over Walter
Walter is #2 for me. His fumbles hurt him. But what Barry did with no offense or no oline is what gives him the slight edge
Quote from PatNation >> Barry is he greatest rb of all time imo
Agreed, with a slight nod over Walter
Quote from Reepicheepmouse >> barry sanders had a ton of negative runs, but those were on his pourous offensive line, not on him. Can change the course of a game on his own.
The ridiculous scheme didn't help either.
This isnt fair at all. Barry of course but Gayle was incredible in his time. You simply cant compare the two backs. Gayle was or is like the father of time. smooth as silk. Many of theses guys like Barry modeled their very game after who?? Gale Sayers... So of course Barry should be better if he has skillz and yes Barry has skillz..
barry sanders had a ton of negative runs, but those were on his pourous offensive line, not on him. Can change the course of a game on his own.
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