Looking at some of the NFL games, there's been lots of fans, not stadium filled but fans in the seats and it's an advantage again for home teams compared to the lockdowns before. I just looked at today's game with the Chiefs vs Browns, it's damn near sold out. Yesterday's 2 games with the Bill's vs Ravens, and Rams vs Packers, was alot of fans too but near 10,000 or so. I guess the coronavirus is gone now huh? Biden being president is the cure to coronavirus going away, sarcasm.
Edited by schemeteam
Also what you missed by this is that the Chiefs have done this all season. Same amount of fans Week 1 as there will be this week. They've had no issues as you are able to distance in a 70,000 seat stadium
Hey i found a trumper!!!
Naw I'm not a Trumper, I never vote not even for Obama. I'm a black man and was in the prison system for 8 years total throughout my life. I understand systemic racism being in the streets my whole life. That's how I got my name scheme because I was always scheming for money. And being in prison, there's alot of guys in there that I met who had alot or time to think and know conspiracies are true.
It appears you and I live in the same poorly governed area as each other. To answer your question, it depends on price for tickets at SoFi. There is a reason mass gatherings tend to be hotspots afterwards.
The vaccine seems to be taking its sweet time which makes no sense. I was watching Kingsman 2 and I saw a vaccine being flew in by drones and everyone got one post haste. I have no idea why that can’t happen with the COVID vaccine. Maybe the elderly are just being test subjects for the vaccine.
It really sucks that the vaccine just came out and the football season just ended at SoFi. Well, the longer you wait the better it will be next season.
I definitely am glad i chose to not attend any live sports this year to keep my family members safe. I can enjoy watching just as much from home
I definantly would, I had Covid and realize how it’s not even as bad as allergies or a common cold
I had the flu earlier in the year before they called it covid. I just had to drink chinese tea and eat soup. I was fine.
California has gone literally insane. I say that as a European and some countries here do like Cali and NY. But bro, it’s gone off the rails. I hope you guys get your freedom back soon.
fr real.. To be fair though Cali been kinda insane for quite a while. But yeah, they can't do anythin there :/
Went to Colts vs Bengals game at Indy last month, will be at Bengals vs Giants in Cincinnati this Sunday.
cowboys are selling tickets to games in limited capacity. i wouldnt go personally. i am not much for large gatherings anyway.
In California, all pro sports are not allowing fans at the games. All the schools of the Pac 12 originally said no fans at the games. The families of the players of the Pac 12 signed a petition to allow them to see and cheer for their kids as they have all their lives. It was just approved that families can go to games and the number of family members would be up to the school. As of Oct 31, UCLA and USC family's request to go to the games was denied.
A joint proposal from UCLA athletic director Martin Jarmond and USC counterpart Mike Bohn to allow family members of their respective football teams to attend games at the Rose Bowl and Coliseum this season has been declined by California and Los Angeles County health officials, according to sources with knowledge of the situation who asked not to be identified because they are not allowed to speak publicly on the matter.
drove 8 hours 2 weeks ago to go to Tallahassee Florida to see FSU-UNC. And would do it again.
At least you have the option to go. The Pac 12 originally said NO FANS at games but as of Sept 24 approved for family members to be allowed to go to the games, and the number of family members allowed would be up to the individual college to decide.
This is from the Los Angeles Times, October 31, 2020. "Bid by USC and UCLA to let family members attend football games is DENIED - A joint proposal from UCLA athletic director Martin Jarmond and USC counterpart Mike Bohn to allow family members of their respective football teams to attend games at the Rose Bowl and Coliseum this season has been declined by California and Los Angeles County health officials".
I'm a FSU fan (kinda, not super huge into college, and I'm not gonna watch their games when their trash because I just don't care enough, mostly only really a FSU fan bc of friends) I assume your a UNC fan ? That was probably a unfortunate game to be at for you ? lol
Yeah.... unfortunately we came out flat and dug ourselves too big of a hole. We were over ranked though & didn’t deserve to be 5th in the country. Great win for FSU & fun place to be for a game
Where did you sit? Were they good seats? It would suck to had nose bleed seats with 25% (or whatever percent they allowed) capacity, but at least you were there.
I sat 25 yard line, about halfway up. Good seats (imo) - just was glad to be back in a stadium. NC’s govenor is an idiot so only like 3,000 fans allowed in Chapel Hill. While FSU has 20,000.
FSU does have a bigger stadium by 30,000, but you are only letting 7% of capacity in, whereas FSU is at 25%. At least you didn't have any lines or crowds, did they serve beer during the game?
UNC is about a 9 hour drive to FSU. Florida State or North Carolina fan?
Thanks for all your input, I respect everyone's comment. Please be careful If you live with people in high-risk groups. Here is an article on all the NFL teams and where they stand on allowing fans into their stadium. ESPN did a good job explaining state guidelines as well as stadium policies.
No, the my health and ESPECIALLY the health of my parents is far more important than entertainment.
I would love to go. Less people means more space and a more comfortable seat to enjoy the game.
I swear I just seen that the Niners are allowing fans next home game. I’m assuming your are a Chargers or Rams fan are they not letting fans go to one teams games but they are the others?
I opted out of my contract, California is on a "tier system", depending on how many new cases per day per 100,000 residents or percent positivity rate. Purple is the highest, red, orange, and then yellow being the lowest. Here is a link that explains it. https://abc7news.com/california-covid-watch-list-criteria-newsom-4-tiers-reopening-plan-ca-county-map/6393906/
When your county falls into a certain color it restrictss how certain businesses can operate. There are 21 different categories that a business can fall under. One day you might be open indoors with 25% capacity, the next day it's no indoor service. "Professional sports: no live audiences" are on all 4 tiers. However, the state just announced that it would let outdoor stadiums open to 20% capacity if you were in the Orange tier. Unfortunately, Santa Clara public health said "audiences at professional sporting events will not be allowed anytime soon,"
As far as I know, there will be no NFL games to watch live this year.
Correction. No NFL games to watch live this year in the state of California.
Yep.....my life has not changed, not gna let a virus with a 99% survival rate stop me from living my life
Yeah I'd love to go to a game this season, I personally am not worried about covid for myself, all concerns would just be for others. I'm a bears fan obv, and they are not selling tickets, however I'm in florida, and they play the jags in December, might potentially go to that since the jags are selling tickets.
That's an idea, what are the airline prices like now?
I’m saying I live in Florida, and they play in Florida. I’m not sure in airline prices, I wouldn’t be opposed to flying somewhere to see a game, but that’s not what I was talking about, I think you misread what I said / or I didn’t say it clearly
I miss read it. But it's would be an option to see a game. There are NO NFL games open to the public here in California. Can you imagine 6 billion dollars on a new stadium and go your first year with 0 attendance.
I know thats so sad.. But with California being so liberal its not surprising, probably won't have fans there for a while, I'd imagine definitely not this season, if this virus continues on even at all, you might not even have fans there next season who knows. Luckily in florida theres at least some fans, so thats nice.
The Pats' stadium isn't letting fans in, but I'd go if they were doing it right. Only a set number of fans allowed in and 10 seats or whatever between each "bubble."
It's also an outdoor stadium, which helps.
In my great state of California, mass gatherings are banned. We even had to eat outside at restaurants for a month. My season tickets are worthless. We have a brand new stadium that costs 6 billion to build and holds 70,000 which can be expanded to 100,000 fans. I have noticed that some states are allowing a limited number of fans go to stadiums to watch football. Would you go to watch your team play this season, and is your team selling tickets to games?