The Muthead NFL fantasy league is officially up and running, i’ll post a link Join my NFL Fantasy league, Muthead. Click the link and put in the password, and join!
League Details
All scoring settings are default
Keeper settings are set to 1 keeper per team
*If you didn’t know, a keeper is a player that you get to keep and secure for the next year, for example: If I want to keep Patrick Mahomes next year, I get to set him as my keeper, so I have him secured to stay on my team for the next season.
No trade deadline
The league stays for next season, so once you’re in the league, you’re in. This also means you will only have to join the Muthead league once, instead of having to re-join each year
There are 4 divisions: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow
*These can be changed at any time, so divisions can agree on team names or whatever so pleases
There are 16 total teams that will be in this league
Make sure to make your name on NFL Fantasy something that lets us know who you are on muthead, for example: my name is set to JJ18 on fantasy
Most of us know eachother, so it should be a nice transition
If theres any questions, feel free to reply to this thread or chat in the NFL Fantasy “Feed” section
Draft date is currently set to Saturday, July 3rd, at 4:00 eastern time, but once the league is full, we can change that date accordingly
There will be 6 total Playoffs teams
Super Bowl Champion: 5 MHC and 45% of prize pool
Super Bowl Runner Up: 3 MHC and 25% of prize pool
Playoffs: 1 MHC and 5% of prize pool (per player that makes the playoffs)
All prizes will be distributed at season’s end. Super bowl winner and runner-up will also receive the prize for making the playoffs, for example: If you win the super bowl, you will win a total of 6 MHC and 50% of the prize pool at the end of the season.
Prize Pool
There will be a prize pool of MHC deposits from league members, the deadline will be the Draft Date, to prevent people retracting deposits due to poor draft results, in order to maintain fairness. A trusted muthead member, preferably a moderator, will be the one who receives the deposits and distributes the MHC at season’s end. I will keep close record of all prize pool deposits. In order to keep yourself safe from losing your MHC, you must comment on this thread how much you deposited, and I will put it in the record sheet.
League “Treasurer”: M1k3y6i2 has been confirmed to be the league MHC-handler, we thank you for the help!
Main Rule
Trading of MHC for fantasy players is not allowed. We want the trading to be fair, without any buying a whole squad with MHC
Current Members
In order of joining the league
Saquads (Evan) we don’t know exaclty who this is yet
chiefchoke1 we don’t know who this is either
blok45cz (Vluk45) we don’t know who this is either
The Muthead NFL fantasy league is officially up and running, i’ll post a link Join my NFL Fantasy league, Muthead. Click the link and put in the password, and join!
Playoffs: 1 MHC and 5% of prize pool (per player that makes the playoffs)
All prizes will be distributed at season’s end. Super bowl winner and runner-up will also receive the prize for making the playoffs, for example: If you win the super bowl, you will win a total of 6 MHC and 50% of the prize pool at the end of the season.
There will be a prize pool of MHC deposits from league members, the deadline will be the Draft Date, to prevent people retracting deposits due to poor draft results, in order to maintain fairness. A trusted muthead member, preferably a moderator, will be the one who receives the deposits and distributes the MHC at season’s end. I will keep close record of all prize pool deposits. In order to keep yourself safe from losing your MHC, you must comment on this thread how much you deposited, and I will put it in the record sheet.
League “Treasurer”: M1k3y6i2 has been confirmed to be the league MHC-handler, we thank you for the help!
In order of joining the league
League ID: 9485173
Password: muthead
Click to sign up: