
Please Pray for Donald Parham

The Chargers TE just was knocked out and his hands were stuck in a 90 degree angle (at the elbow) position held out, just stuck there, out cold, unable to move. this is the worst injury I have ever seen and it might be the worst injury in the history of football. He went out on a stretcher after about 10 mins on the ground, face mask taken off the helmet, body strapped down heavily at every point possible. He was still in the same position with his hands, shaking uncontrollably, looked like he was trying so hard to give the thumbs up but couldn’t. Please keep him in your prayers and hope that he’s alright, because this doesn’t look good at all. He was literally unable to move any part of his body, it looked like he endured a concussion upon contact with the ground while the bottom-back part of his helmet pushed harshly into the back of his neck. Please pray for him 🙏🤍

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