
Fan Appreciation Part 2

It gets very hot in the summer here in Arizona, as we topped 100 degrees again yesterday. For that, it was necessary (darn near crucial) to have a device circulating the air in the house and creating a breeze to keep you cool. What I'm saying is, I really appreciated my fan yesterday..........................

And EA appreciates you guys, as we have part 2 of the Fan Appreciation program. We have 20 new challenges in the game, which will allow you to get the 99 OVR NAT Golden Ticket Fantasy Pack and select any one of the GTs that are released currently. These packs have the 18 GTs released in them and will not change as more GTs are put into the game.



  • Week 2 challenges: 20 challenges, 9,300 coins possible, 72 stars possible

FAP Pack.jpg


  • Fan Appreciation Packs are available in the store. Offers have reset from last week so your limits are cleared.
    • 75,000 coins or 500 points
    • Contains 1x 89+ OVR NFL Draft Player, 1x 87+ OVR Ultimate Legends Player, 1x 86+ OVR Elite Player, and 2x 72+ OVR Gold or better Players.
    • Limit of 5.
    • Bundle of 5 Fan Appreciation Packs costs 2,200 points with a limit of 2 purchases


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