
Final Madden 22 LTD Thursday - The Kyler and Kyle Connection

Well it is finally here...the final LTD Thursday. What a time we have had this year, so many good LTDS to hunt for, a couple that we had no need to try and find. EA is certainly finishing the LTD year off with a bang and the Escape Artist lovers must be happy this week. These LTDs will be in packs for the next 48 hours, have a 99 OVR rating, and have a quicksell value of 250k coins. On the offensive side of the ball, we break the game with Baby Yoda. Kyler Murray now has a 99 OVR LTD in the game and his stats are buckwild. 97 SPD, 97 THP, 98 DAC, 97 RUN, and a Scrambler archetype. Like...will anyone be able to contain Kyler??

On the defensive side of the ball, well we got Kyler on offense and we get Kyle on defense (cute). SS Kyle Dugger is welcomed in to the Limited Edition program. Dugger is a Run Support archetype SS with 96 SPD/ACC, 99 ACV, 99 PUR, and 98 POW. Are you going LTD hunting, or are you waiting for Sugar Rush Part 2? Let me know in the comments!




Sweet maybe I’ll pull one