Hi friends,
For those who don't know me, my name is Nick Mizesko and I am the new Community Manager for Muthead. I have been working as a Play-by-Play commentator for Muthead's Friday Night Football for over 2 years now and am excited to continue onward in this new role. I wanted to write a quick article to answer a few questions I have seen and introduce myself to those who don't know me.
My goal as the Community Manager is to continue providing you, the Muthead community, with the latest news and notes in the Madden Ultimate Team world, while also growing the community by finding new and entertaining ways to interact with you. I have gotten the pleasure to work with Rocketz and Wizzle the last few years and have watched how they have cultivated this community. I am not going to reinvent the wheel, as there is no point in fixing something that isn't broken. The biggest thing is I want YOU to have a voice and a say as to what content we need to be putting out here on the site, on Twitter, on Twitch, and anywhere else we might be able to communicate.
My goal is to get up to speed this weekend and be ready to roll full speed on Monday. What this means is there may be a lack of content on Twitter and the website through the weekend, but fear not it will be rolling on Monday.
Now, for the rapid fire round:
A monumental thank you to everyone at Muthead who has not only given me this opportunity, but has guided me through this transition. Sean, Zach, Ant...thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you guys do. I'm sure Sean will be very happy to know he doesn't have to be the Muthead Twitter anymore.
Mods, I look forward to getting to know those of you I don't know well. Muthead community, y'all have welcomed me in to your homes on Fridays and have given me so much. I just hope I can serve you and make you guys proud of we are continuing to build here. As always, my DMs are open on Twitter (@NickMizesko) or...here I guess? Still figuring out the site so bear with me. Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from all of you!
Humbly Your Community Manager,
Nick "Not EA" Mizesko
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