
House Rules: Played Out and New Tie-Dye LTDs

House Rules is back and for the next 48 hours we're playing "Played Out". In this version of House Rules, both offensive and defensive plays go on cooldown for 5 plays after each use and can only be used a total of 2 times each. Rack up wins in this head-to-head mode to earn Color Smash Players, Trophies, and Coins! Below is a breakdown of rewards for "Played Out":

Reward Tiers

5 Wins: 2x 87-95 OVR Color Smash Player
10 Wins: 2x 87-95 OVR Color Smash Player
15 Wins: 2x 87-95 OVR Color Smash Player
20 Wins: 3x 87-95 OVR Color Smash Player
25 Wins: 2x 91-95 OVR Color Smash Player
30 Wins: 100 Trophies, 10,000 Coins
35 Wins: 100 Trophies, 10,000 Coins
40 Wins: 100 Trophies, 15,000 Coins
45 Wins: 100 Trophies, 15,000 Coins
50 Wins: 100 Trophies, 15,000 Coins

Tie-Dye LTDs

A new round of Tie-Dye LTDs can be found in packs for the next 48 hours until 4/9 at 10 AM ET. Check out both new items and their ratings below:

How many wins will you be going for in today's latest version of House Rules?


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