
Madden 22 Team of the Year

So crazy, it seems like just yesterday we were talking about the first Team of the Week. You guys voted (or didn't, it's a free country) and the selections are in for Team of the Year. All the players have been revealed, but they are being rolled out in packs at different times. Let's take a look at the 28 new players from TOTY:

Player of the Year

  • Deebo Samuel - 49ers
    • LTD- Available for 72 hours in the 3 training rerolls

Specialists (in packs 1/25-1/28)

Offense (1/28-1/31)

Defense (1/31-2/4)



  • 96 OVR TOTY FANTASY PACK - 3500 Microsoft Points. Choose 1x 96 OVR TOTY Player (1 offense, defense, and specialist are provided to choose from). Limit 1
  • 96 OVR TOTY OFFENSE REROLL - 42k Training, 1x random 96 OVR Offensive TOTY Player
  • 96 OVR TOTY DEFENSE REROLL - 42k Training, 1x random 96 OVR Defensive TOTY Player
  • 96 OVR TOTY SPECIALIST REROLL - 40k Training (A STEAL!), 1x random 96 OVR Specialist TOTY Player

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  • TOTY Player Sets - Exchange 1x 93-94 OVR player, 3x 91-92 OVR, 3x 89-90 OVR, and 4x 87-88 OVR Players to get the respective player's TOTY/Power Up. Each of the new TOTY players have a set to complete
  • TOTY Tokens Exchange - Exchange 17 TOTY Tokens and get an AT Toty player choice from 1 Offensive, Defensive, and Specialist options

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  • The Team of the Year - 27 challenges, 27k coins, 108 Stars
  • TOTY Exhibition - 8 challenges, 8k coins, 32 Stars
  • TOTY Showdown - 5 challenges, 5k coins, 20 Stars
  • Earn TOTY tokens at 30, 60, and 90 stars, with 100 stars rewarding a 96 OVR NCAT TOTY Fantasy Pack


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