A new set of Gridiron Notes was released today by EA that focuses on Playbooks and AI Gameplay Updates in Madden 21. Below is a brief overview of these updates:
For the full EA Gridiron Notes from today, click here.
NFL Live Playbooks 2.0
NFL Live Playbooks are back in Madden 21. You may be familiar with this concept from last year but for those who aren't, NFL Live Playbooks allow EA to update team playbooks throughout the year to better reflect the style of football that the team is playing during the NFL season. Updates to playbooks in Madden 21 will be delivered via "Title Updates". A good example of this feature in action is how the New England Patriots offensive playbook will be adjusted to better reflect the types of plays Cam Newton may run this season compared to Tom Brady last season.
Offensive Playbook Updates
While playbooks will receive updates throughout the year through the Live 2.0 feature, default playbooks at launch are also seeing some changes. Playbooks at launch will now better reflect team changes made during the offseason to the Head Coach and Coordinator positions. These changes will help craft the playbooks to better fit the team's anticipated style based on film study and interviews. An example of this is the Carolina Panthers who overhauled the majority of their coaching staff and is expected to run an offensive scheme that is quite a bit different from last year. In turn, you will notice some major changes to the plays contained in their playbook for Madden 21 compared to Madden 20.
Defensive Playbook Updates
The focus on defensive playbooks in Madden 21 is making each team's playbook more unique and to better reflect what they run in real life. This should help give each team a more realistic feel while allowing them to use formations that best utilize their unique personnel on the field. You will also notice some of the new offensive and defensive formations introduced through NFL Live Playbooks last year incorporated at launch in this year's playbooks.
Defensive Adjustments to Offensive Motion System
In Madden 20, offenses would use motion pre-snap to shift the formation strength and make it difficult for the defense to properly adjust. In Madden 21, the new "Adjustments to Motion" system will use the same logic as the "Defensive Auto Flip" feature. By treating the motion the same as an audible, defenses will be able to properly align and maintain gap integrity in the run game when faced with pre-snap motion. This feature can be disabled in settings for users who do not wish to use it.
Pass Coverage
With lower-rated DBs winning press-interactions against receivers too often last year, EA has made some adjustments that will better focus on the matchup between the press rating of the DB vs. the release rating of the WR. In Madden 21, you can expect to see more appropriate press animations and even complete fakeouts off the line of scrimmage. Man Coverage has also been tuned so receivers with higher Route Run ratings (SRR, MRR, DRR) vs. a defensive back with a lower MCV rating, will have a better chance at beating them on specific routes down the field.
General Play Tuning
AI Play Calling and Clock Management
AI-controlled teams in Madden 21 will utilize a more diverse set of plays making them less predictable and more aggressive. AI-QB's will do a better job at recognizing coverages, going through pass read progressions, and executing RPO plays (run-pass options). On defense, AI playcalling near the goal line will be more diverse and allow users to become more creative with their playcalling in these situations to score. AI-controlled teams will better account for the score, quarter, play clock, and timeouts when managing the clock down the stretch of games. An increase in awareness will better help the CPU decide what to do in these crucial situations at the end of the half or game.
Adaptive AI and AI-Quarterback Updates
AI-Quarterbacks have received an increase in their awareness pre-snap to make the appropriate adjustments necessary to counter a defensive play once they have seen it enough times. Don't be surprised if you see an AI-QB calling audibles and adjusting protection pre-snap to better adjust to a specific defensive play that keeps stopping them. If you want to consistently beat the CPU in Franchise and MUT Solos, you better be ready to mix up your defensive play-calling to become more unpredictable. When faced with pressure, expect AI-QBs to make better decisions based on their individual strengths. For example, Lamar Jackson will be more inclined to scramble when faced with pressure as opposed to a pocket QB who will look to throw the ball away to avoid a sack.
AI-Ball Carrier Updates
Expect AI-ball carriers to exhibit better decision making in the open field, when selecting a running lane, or making the decision to get out of bounds or slide to protect themselves and the football if they're a QB.
The next round of Gridiron Notes are expected to be released on Tuesday, July 28th, and will focus on feedback provided by the community about the Beta.
Which Gameplay Updates are you most excited about for Madden 21? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
Lemme know when AI drafting in franchise is better. Or just when franchise is better.
In Madden 20 - If you have a RIGHT HAND QB and you want to throw a quick flat to the LEFT at the snap of the ball to avoid a blitz of 7. The QB does a 360 TURN to the LEFT before he throws as apposed to throwing to the right in which he just turns and throws. Correction needed in Madden 21.
"Improvements to legacy plays with the goal of encouraging more diverse playcalling"
Cheesers, I am sure you are all still up for the challenge of finding one, infinitely-repeatable exploit so you can still avoid having to think during a game.
EA, Maybe you could add a game mode called "I Win" where kids can simply press start and have the game tell them they won. That way they they don't need to waste their time (and ours) with rinse-and-repeat exploits, but they can still get the same rewards. Then the rest of us could actually PLAY the game instead of just strategizing to AVOID it.
I have to give credit to the creators of the playbooks, that’s a long and boring job to have to do, and nobody appreciates it. They have to watch hundreds of hours of game film just to see what plays they run. Also lol good thing they’re fixing AI ball carrier moves, you’ll see QBs on franchise will be throwing position, then they just run in a straight line. Also I’ll see them catch the ball oast the first down, and juke backwards, causing a turnover on downs
tbf I think that reviewing film and recording formations / concepts would be pretty interesting. I'm just glad that the Madden team has made the effort to accurately curate team playbooks, makes the game much more enjoyable.
As someone who basically only plays the AI, I hope what they’re saying in this is true. The AI has been incredibly predictable For so long. Like always calling all 3 of their time outs as soon as the clock hits 1 minute, and never running out of bounds, etc. hopefully these improvements aren’t false advertising and they actually made the AI more adaptive
Especially the AI ball carrier improvements. I literally couldn’t bring myself to play as a QB in franchise because the AI runningbacks always made the stupidest of decisions when I handed them the ball. They always juked backwards and lost yardage. Hopefully the other 10 AI players won’t be complete idiots now
All of these fixes are appreciated, but they should have been fixed in madden 20 but instead ea gave up on the game 2 months earlier than they normally do. I am curious to see what bugs and glitches that have already been figured out with the beta that won’t be fixed until m22 just to start over and do it all over again.
Congratulations life achievement