A new round of Ghosts of Madden Past, Present, and Future have been added to Ultimate Team, featuring Masters Patrick Willis, Julio Jones, and Nick Bosa! You can acquire Ghosts by purchasing Ghosts of Madden packs in the Store for Kindling. Ghost Masters can be acquired by finishing their Master set. Once you complete the Ghost Set, you will receive the Master (auctionable), their Power Up, and NAT versions of all 3 players used in the set. Check out all the new items below:
Ghosts of Madden Past
Ghosts of Madden Present
Ghosts of Madden Future
If you need a refresher on the previous round of Ghosts of Madden Past, Present, and Future, click the following links:
Ghosts of Madden Past
Ghosts of Madden Present
Ghosts of Madden Future
In addition to today's Ghost content, the following new solos have also been added to Ultimate Team:
A Mutmas Carol: 5 additional Challenges, 3,750 Coins, 50 Kindling, 15 Stars possible
Will you be picking up any of the latest Ghosts for your squad? Let us know your thoughts on today's content in the comments below.
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