
MUT 21 Legends: Arian Foster and London Fletcher

Arian Foster and London Fletcher are this week's newest Legends released in Madden Ultimate Team. Foster is an Elusive Back HB with 95 SPD, 97 AGI, 97 ACC, 97 COD, and 99 BTK ratings on his LTD version. London Fletcher is a Run Stopper MLB with notable ratings of 91 SPD, 96 TAK, 95 POW, 94 PRC, and 93 BSH on his LTD item. For the theme-teamers out there, Foster played for the Texans and Dolphins, while Fletcher played for the Rams, Bills, and Washington.

The LTD versions of Arian Foster and London Fletcher can be found in packs until 1/18 at 10 AM ET. The Boss version of each player can be earned by completing their corresponding set, which requires all 5 non-Boss Legend versions (88-94 OVR). You will need 1x 94 OVR, 1x 92 OVR, and 2x each of the 90 OVR, 89 OVR, and 88 OVR editions to complete the set. The Power Up version of each Legend can be earned by completing their Legends Release 22 Solo Challenge. Take on Legends Showdown #25 to earn a Legends Token needed for the upgrade set. This challenge expires on 1/23 at 10:15 AM ET. Check out all of today's new items and their full ratings below:

Arian Foster

London Fletcher

What are your thoughts on Foster and Fletcher?


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