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Member since August 2018
Message Kingcash335i
commented on
17 Jul 2019
I'll be going no money spent this in I'm not even buying Madden 20. Ha ha Madden 19 was my first full year doing MUT. It had its fun times. But Honestly I was an idiot for spending real money on MUT packs. I found a better addiction. I traded my MUT habit for buying packs of real cards. Still a bad habit, but at least at the end of the day, I have something to show for it. I've been hunting down 2017 Football and baseball lately. It's kind of exciting searching old football years that were loaded with rookies. I've pulled at least 9 Patrick Mahomes rookie cards in the last week. Got a Bunch of JUJU, Kamara, Trubisky, Conner, Dalvin Cook, Myles Garret, Tarik Cohen, Nathan Peterman, and a bunch of other rookies. Hopefully, Mahomes has another big year so I don't regret waiting to sell them. Unfortunately, I pulled a Christian Hackenberg jersey card yesterday. lol
commented on
30 Jun 2019
Quote from Mike123321 >> I agree but as a Vikings theme team my MLB rolb AND CBS are weak I just started a Ravens/Vikings theme on one of my extra accounts. Those two themes go together pretty nicely. Ravens are weak at WR, DT, HB, LE, RE, and C. Vikes are weak at SS, MLB, P, FB, LT, RG, TE, CB, and LOLB. With the Team builders right now I am sitting at 40/50 ravens, and 30/50 Vikes. This game has been so boring lately that I just keep making different themes. lol Mckinnon is a little beast.
commented on
8 Jun 2019
I’ve got three accounts. 1. Pats theme, 2. Steelers theme, and 3. Ravens theme with cowboys. I needed coins so I down graded my ray ray and figured it would be cheaper to build him when I needed him again. Aside from Shazier and Wagner, I still like Jaylon Smith. Hopefully Jaylon Smith gets another upgrade soon. Not going to lie, Steelers rookie MLB Devin Bush draft card balls out in my Steelers theme. He’s super fast and gets a lot of INTs. Definitely a nice budget beast. LVE is great too but I keep him at LOLB because I’m strapped due to team chems on my Ravens / cowboys mix.
commented on
24 May 2019
I’m with you. Sony Michel’s 95 was a budget beast. I’ve wanted a power up and new card for him since they released his 95 SB card. He has a different feel to him than Blount But is still capable of running people over. I think if he got a PU and new card it would be like Blount with more agility, jukes , and elusiveness. Marcus Cannon was completely forgotten about by EA. They’re probably too lazy to give him a new card because they’d have to make him a power up. EA also forgot about Gilbert the RT from the Steelers. Along with Gilmore, McCourty FS could use a 99, Chung or Harrison could use power ups. Additionally, the Pats DT’s have been horrible. Guy needs a power up and upgrade. We lost out on DT Malcom Browns new card because he was a free agents. Our Punter is still weak too. Hopefully TY law gets an upgrade and Bruschi gets a power up soon. I wish they’d give Jimmy G a power up so we could have a decent back up for chems.
commented on
11 May 2019
I really wish EA would release more upgrades and power ups. I plan on just playing Madden 19 from here on out and skipping Madden 20. I’ve invested too much time and money on my teams this year. Then to see EA just give up on the game has been a real disappointment. I hope EA’s Madden 20 Pre-sale numbers have been low. I hope nobody buys M20 and it tanks.
commented on
2 May 2019
It’s bad enough that they split the content up. Well at least what EA thinks is content that they’re blessing us with. Then to release these shitty Draft players that are useless. Just pathetic!!! Even most of the first rounders were garbage for most people’s teams. EA doesn’t realize that they are only hurting themselves. Yeah you can go ahead and say that the year is over. But MUT 19’s Gameplay was atrocious. I believe a lot of gamers are still on the fence on whether or not they want to buy Madden 20. EA should be working overtime to release tons of content, continue to fix gameplay, and kiss our asses. Instead they have chosen to do the opposite. This will cost them a lot of money in the long run. They’re just to arrogant and ignorant to understand that. As bad as MUT 19 is, even this late in the year if EA had chosen to release great promos and exciting cards I still would’ve been stupid enough to drop real money on packs this late in the year.
commented on
1 May 2019
Quote from D2KDuFFy >> No but I have an issue with fumbling in the game in general recently. Not even making ball carrier moves too! The last two games I played I’ve had similar issues. It’s like EA turns off my buttons or just takes over my guy. Totally pisses me off. I went for it on 3rd and 15 and subbed in Mahomes for Brady. Figured they’d think I still had Brady in and not notice me taking off running. I could of bombed it and maybe got it. But instead I had so much daylight that I tried to run. Mahomes wouldn’t run and just sat there goin in circles refused to move as I got hit by 4 guys. Like he was just sitting there trying to throw but wouldn’t throw it or run it. First guy would hit Mahomes and he’d break the sack and sit there refusing to run until the next guy hit him.
commented on
1 May 2019
Quote from stickskillz100 >> Barry is the greatest of all-time from all the backs I’ve ever seen. Please tell me this isnt true? Yeah I wasn’t sure if it was just the house rules, DDA, or bad luck. But it was frustrating because I’ve been in some really close games today where it’s a chess match playing for field position and field goals. Then when the fumbles happen it totally kills your rhythm. I threw Zone run on barry instead WC. Hopefully the little extra carrying will help.
commented on
1 May 2019
I just built Chris Johnson and Barry Sanders. I wanted to try running them both in the split close with elite route specialist. Figured it would be a nasty duo catching passes out of the backfield. CJ has been great. First play of the first game Barry Sanders barely gets touched running the ball and fumbles. 2nd game Barry Catches a short pass and boom fumble in the 4th quarter. Felt like I had Adrian Peterson and not Barry Sanders with these fumbles lol. Anyone else been having fumbles issues with Barry? It’s frustrating because Barry’s my fav running back of all time but I hate fumbling.
commented on
1 May 2019
I was on a little two game roll today. I suck at usering and rarely get the lurks. Out of nowhere today I channeled my inner spirit animal. I was lurking and get user picks left and right. Then in the second half of my 3rd game my GF decided to walk in front of the TV and then proceed to ask me a million questions about tropical storms and egg salad sandwiches. Like I give AF about that....I’m lurking woman. Then her dog keeps bringing me his toy to throw. I ain’t got time for that....I’m lurking. I had that feeling like Forest Gump did the first time he started running....except I wasn’t running.....I was a lurrrrkiing. Next thing I know I lost my lurking skills and then to top it off I choked harder than the falcons in the Super Bowl.....blew my lead and had to rage quit. Think I’m going to watch Rocky 1-5 and try to remember that women weaken legs Rock.
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