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Member since January 2017
Message MaddenNFLFan1984
commented on
17 Apr 2019
it's even worse on PS4 I mean Roquan Smith Power Up Card is still over 20k and the 92 Team Builder Venteri is over 400k n up which is a big ripoff plus 89 gronk 86 Mcooy and 89 Hopkins are over 50k plus I swear PS4 Users are greedy pigs and don't give me this Supply vs Demand Excuse if your someone with over 1.5 mil+ in coins and a 96+ ovr team you have 0 excuse to scam n rip people off just because some greedy pig decides to put his 92 Venteri Card up for 450k plus doesn't give you the right to that card should be under 250k Roquan Smith power up should be under 3k 89 gronk and Hopkins should be under 50k and 86 McCoy under 36k im gonna give the people 2 weeks to come back to the real world n put the prices back in the reasonable range where they should be or your going to be hearing from my lawyer and you will be sued for scamming and fraud of ingame currency and EA if your reading this please give us another blitz type weekend to obtain more power up passes as a way of giving the middle finger to all the auction house abusers otherwise my lawyer gonna have a lot of fun with these abusers in court n when done i'll be rich enough to buy you out and fire all the money hungery shareholders and get this game headed in right direction.. well im out for a few weeks cya
commented on
19 Feb 2019
Mahomes is the way to go every QB is gonna overthrow in this game but This Mahomes God Almighty puts every other QB on Madden to shame.. The throws he makes are unreal just like in real life... throwing to moss & hill has been fun as heck plus Chemed up without Sprinter I got him at 90 Speed.. his ability to scramble & break tackles a long the way makes him the best QB in this game. Sure the traits look bad but if used correctly you will have fun with him.. Only thing I wish is EA would fix Gunslinger the ball hitting the helmet glitch 2 times a game is getting very annoying & it happens with every QB u put gunslinger on.. I have 99 Brees as my back up & once had McNabb to 98 ovr it did that to them too that chem is broken but truth is Mahomes not only outperforms both. But he is by far the best Balanced QB in the game & changes the way even those online have to play defense..... I would highly recommend... good luck...
commented on
17 Feb 2019
Got Madden x2 passing & Max Go Deep & he is still sitting at 97 after I upgraded him today... how do I boost his ovr? Am I using the wrong chems?? Same With Gonzalez I can't figure out how to upgrade him to 98 or 99 ovr I've been stuck on 97 ovr with Tony Gonzalez as well :( Yet I've seen Gonzo & Moss at 99 ovr in squads & h2h countless times... how are they doing this?? Is it Sprinter or what?? Thx for those who can help...
commented on
15 Feb 2019
I'm guessing Travis Kelce for Chiefs he hasn't had an upgrade in awhile..
commented on
13 Feb 2019
I'm only going to use the 48k training to bypass Mahomes 98 honors card since dumb greedy idiots won't lower him to 1.0 mil or under after that I'm gonna use the power up pass on Donald when it comes.. atleast Bruce Smith plays very well for me! So I'll be fine waiting in the mean time.... Other then that I plan to own no more 98+ limited cards unless there chiefs of course as I'm not going to put 48k training into any other players unless EA gives us more ways to earn more training alot faster cuz 48k is BS whoever at EA came up with that dumb amount should be asked to clean out his desk because he is FIRED... I can understand 40k but 48k training EA should be ashamed of themselves..... Oh well thank God I can power up Mahomes Friday....
commented on
11 Feb 2019
Quote from iinvaliid >> I wonder if they are doing this as a way to abandon this game much earlier than they did with M18. Nope there not gonna abandon this game until July just like it is every year.. it's quite possible the week long thing this week is due to no scheduled promos until after series 5 drops Friday at this time we will likely get a ton of new solos & content... So the week long ul this week is just to hold us over until then. Plus I'm sure there in the process of Developing new solos & promos as we speak but taking a week off in major content to have more time for stuff + why release stuff now when series 5 begins Friday...
commented on
11 Feb 2019
Personally I'm glad to see this as someone who doesn't spend all day everyday playing like some folks this is awesome for me.. Because the prices will plummet big time which will allow me to afford Sean Taylor, Calvin Johnson, Ray Guy & Randal McDaniel easier over time... Plus it will help keep the prices for training down which is awesome because with guys like Mahomes & Donald to require 40k training to get to 99 ovr it gonna help keep training low! And right now I need quite a bit to finish up my team. I feel like those who hate this are the ones who are greedy & want to Fk people over with outrageous prices in AH instead of being greatful to be making any coin.. this is like a big middle finger from EA those coin horders & those who want to scam millions of coins off people by ripping them off instead of being reasonable.. those Who been abusing the market for the last few months are gonna be forced to lower there prices & learn to be reasonable. Glad to see EA take a stand because the prices were getting out of hand...
commented on
11 Feb 2019
Which one is better I ask because Series 5 starts Friday & I'll have the token in no time within 2 or 3 weeks if not sooner.. I already have max Madden passing offense & passing Defense.. I'm actually considering Madden Rush Defense 1st since it's already easy enough to run the ball & it's harder to stop the run... does Madden Rush Defense honestly make a big difference in stopping the run game?? Which would you guys Reccomend & why?? Thanks for the help & tips have a great day....
commented on
10 Feb 2019
Has anyone tried yet? Really ain't any good solos to try this out in.. I was able to put him together fairly cheap & powered him up to 98 ovr.. I'm hoping to be able to kick it from 65 yards max?? I know 93 Tucker could kick it 60 yards with like 93 kick power.. Plus with kickers & punters tying into overall would i be able to still get to 99 ovr? As I don't plan on moving on from Anderson & will Soon get Ray Guy to complete my Punter position... hope at 98 kicker & punter I'll will be able to reach 99 ovr later in year.. 1 last thing Will Calvin Johnson & Sean Taylor UL drop to under 600k eventually like last year? What about SB Franco Harris I would love to get his 97 card & Reggie White as well but refuse to pay 700k a piece for these guys... Thanks..
commented on
9 Feb 2019
This Site & Fourms is not mobile friendly at all & it's really irritating I try to click on a thread to read only to get taken to another thread & the fourm takes forever to load please do something to make the Fourms more mobile friendly as its about the only way I am able to visit thank you
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