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Member since April 2015
Message MaddenPimp
How do you unlink Accounts in MM21?!?
Dear EA: A reception followed by a fumble is still a reception...otherwise, it wouldn't be a fumble...
Completed MIA Yard week or so ago, can't get into GB Yard...
Fan Favorite Suggestion: Make Upgrades like Evolution
Masters Series Feedback: 84 OVR for next is TOO LOW, and Lamar needs an upgrade soon
POLL: Gameplay/Animation Question
Small piece of advice: If you're slamming Nick, you're MUTHeading wrong
Goodbye, this time for good - 9erB WINS 89/90/87 OVR (2135 POW) MaddenPimp Account [CLOSED]
This is what we were sold? What we were waiting for?!?
League Achievements are Missing After Morning Reset
EA: Programs Needing Updates/Refreshes
EA: RT Running into QB for no reason...
EA: Legacy and Team History Feedback
EA: I think we've been patient - is there a real plan to fix the many gameplay issues?
POLL: Has running the ball gotten significantly harder since the last app update?
POLL: Fat Fingered Passes/Throws
EA: Some Feedback on Hero/Master/Player Planning and OVR/Stats (a.k.a. Vertical SIG Whitworth is not an upgrade)
EA: Why don't Arena matches/drives give any XP?
UPDATED POLL: Flashbacks
EA: Legends is the shizzle
EA: Biggest MM21 Request
EA: Any further plans for Legacy?
GIVEAWAY: 82 OVR/1577 POW Team ----- (WINNER: t1j2m)
EA be a LOT more generous with the FO daily coin pack, please
POLL: Have you seen improved blocking in MM20?
POLL: Given the option, are you spending stamina on Flashbacks anymore?
PSA: Don't miss out on the "Hidden Gems"
EA: Can you remove the slow-mo interception animation from OD?
Uh oh...fumble frequency seems to be on the rise...
EA: Need a much smaller joystick in MM20...
I gotta say...I like no "first win" packs...
EA: Simple change to help make Flashback a little better
Flashback Help? I don't get it, seems super expensive...hard pass?
Now would be a great time to hear from HSD and some EA folk, maybe an AMA?
EA: Simple, small fix to help OD
POLL: Team Heroes
EA: Season Game and OD Collectibles Need Conversion Sets
EA Please Fix These Things
Love the addition of Madden Series and the Return of Sets, (but)...
No HoF Love for Vertical
HoF Event Award Issue since Thu afternoon
Level 10 of JuJu Madden Series Trivia Events Don't Reward Trivia Tokens
It would be cool if there was an indicator on the outside of a Set if you had an appropriate card on the bench...
Are the packs farting during pack reveal...?
Why don't WRs fight for the ball?
How do you tell if you already played a daily event?
POLL: What are your expectations for MM20?
C'mon, EA...1 or 2 weekends left...change the UL events...
EA...maybe a spammable UL Badge event?!?!
Why is VS II active again?!?
Hey, EA, what's up with the sudden 48 hour countdown timer for Metal Masters?!?
Goodbye, goodnight and most importantly, *thank you*
MaddenPimp Says(tm): Dear, EA, I’m more than willing to give you my money...
Why, oh, why, EA...
POLL: Do you still play Blitz Tournaments?
How about some Flashback OL players?
EA: Would love to hear what's going on with the Legends program in general and this underwhelming, yet more expensive, LM TO?
Why are Blitz Tournaments called "Tournaments"?
Wow, just won a Blitz Tournament match and still lost my chance...
Suggestion to EA on OD, re: points from tactics when opponent disconnects
EA, Thank you for the planned strategy added back to LvL but I'm going to be a broken record...
For the love of all that is holy, EA, add a freaking Maher/K card to the database...
The Saddest/Most Frustrating Part of Madden Overdrive 19...
Helmets Have Been The Thing that has Pissed Me Off the Most this Season, really
Dear EA: please fix or drop the punt return events from your cycle of events
TRULY: Thank you EA/GCs
Simpler Plea for EA: Stop adding features or moving buttons randomly until you fix the gameplay
No 24-7 events for SNF?
Dear EA... this defect where I have to kill/FC the app to load new events kinda sucks and will not increase my engagement...
I'm afraid I know the answer, but can you have a MM profile pic without FB?
EA Thank You for the Better Responsiveness and Reactions, BUT, please spend time investing in other features
In this world of self-centered everything, every once in a while, you need to be reminded of SUPERHEROES among us...
Didn't think this was a big deal but the animations need to be fixed...
It's a good thing there are not windy stadiums this season...
Thank you, but please don't give us new features...
Shouldn't our 120+ OVR (99 OVR Capped) Legacy Teams Feel "Faster" in Legacy Events
When does the AMA start?
Call to Action: Letting EA Know Our Concern over Specific Coaches Not Working
PSA: You can cut PB Elites into new versions of elite Tomlin and Peyton coaches
How does one get to 50 badges....?
EA LISTENED!: 100 OVR Brady and Vick ARE NOW useable for TP
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