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Member since December 2015
Message RioThrower
All h2h modes counting stats, but not progressing......record reset to 0-0 now
With Sets down - those 87s are cheaper
Elway Math
here we go again, finished Most Feared pass, didn't get sellable 90 MF player
Buyer Beware.....LTD Justin Tucker
"the Team Knows"
Anyone else NOT get their BND 88 GG player at level 5 of House Rules
.....................Change my mind.........
what universe are these House Rules on???
Facts I've Learned. Maybe usually means no. "Next Week" means Never
I just realized another piece of collateral damage regarding the Comp Pass fiasco
Any update on Comp Pass, rewards, missing objectives?
I didn't get new Headliners objective, I'm gonna try something.......
WL (Mut Champs rewards) Do you get them or not?
Your pre-order/Rookie Premier picks....Here is my plan
List of today's free Wildcard Wednesday choices?
HR....I've been on offense like 15 games in a row
strat card boosts
I'm looking for a cheaper "Identifier" O-lineman....who's cheap
new House Rules.....did he say 86 OR 90 ncat player for 25 wins?
new MUT level and/or 2nd Quarter?
missing the 90ovr Captain Token after exchange
last one, I need a solo for short Rushing TDs
best solo for long rushing TDs for yards and TD?
best solo for Passing TDs..... I don't need yardage
HOT TAKE on NCAT players in mut this year
Mark my words, big time Strong Arm QB this weekend for legend
will ALL college players get a Power up too? asking for team chem reasons
175 stars in Campaign, yet not XP reward
if tradeable, looking for m22 Rookie Jamar Chase for 1.5 mil m21 coinage
Can you switch from Hester to Seau, or vice versa?
I've got the m22 and EA play, but trial not working
does Kyle Long (RG) get Chiefs team chem?
HOT TIP: how to earn some Playoff Tokens
GG to the guy that bought my 96 Gannon last night for 847k, thanks :)
PSA for Chiefs Theme Teams on Rich Gannon
Confirm here when: new 93s McCoy, Pugh, or Haden are in Fantasy 35k snow
Chill Factor rewards? not showing
No EA Play; no problem. you can still access the solos.......
BoneYard uniforms in MUT
Four 0:00 DC glitch scums today alone: names inside
any word on Coach Madden for Series 2?
(POLL) how many WL desyncs/DCs did you take this weekend???
anyone else have their Draft Champs record/progress reset today 9/10?
conspiracy theory of the day
11.5 million coins & a stacked 99 team trading for mut21
GT Ramsey up, XBOX, looking for FS Calvin Johnson
trading GT Reggie White for Allen or Troy P on Xbox
where is today's egg 4/8
Full list of Golden Tickets
how many UL tokes should we have right now???
Gifts are Gambles. Just junk from old promos and stuff
Large present - my best guess
Oh the humanity.....losing streaks
series 4 coach madden tokens? 1 or 2? anyone know
I'm going to flex.........I've got 3645 series 3 trophies.
the NFL 100 Runningbacks ruined this game....Change my mind
beat Zirksee in raged quit in the 1st Q
NFL 100, promo? just a list of players? in Madden?
best ways to build 92s
is QB release fixed or does it get better with upgrades??? MHC for good answers
Level 70 and HR 130 win Redux em
HR win check in (poll)
not a humble brag....but seriously season rank talk
if anyone was scared away from WL during the is my experience and review of MF enraged players
wait wait wait, did Kraelo just say..............
this 99 Manning has a noddle for an arm
anyone else overpay for a MF just to play with them while enraged?
I won 50 HR games last night, went from winning 50% to about is how
so you know, Ryan Fitzpatrick has as many rushing yards as Bo Jackson
[POLL] who will you take for your MUT10 player........?
Monday, Poll, how many bats have you stocked up?
this HR is heavy ELO matchmaking.....again...and not worth it
sounds crazy, but WL feels "easier" than HR
PSA stop calling market dips and drops, "market crashes"
Results my vary....but do your TOTW solos!!!!
Most Feared Card Art......kinda
EA exposed: House Rules is elo based for match making AND various difficulty levels UPDATED with Pic proof
Poll of your HR pull
Experimented with this Weekend League......key findings
COULD BE PRO TIP.....will keeping Trophies in binder make them immune from the cut in half at Series update???
going to turnover 820 trophies at Series update Friday
guess the Series 2 master
any reward from Draft Champs today? the "season" was closing
HR issues.....what are you doing EA???
Pulled totw Slay from the solos....
my new way to play WL????
Guesses for Madden 10 player and position this week
a fitting day to complete Pat nice to someone today
Do stats still count if you leave a Squads game? ...asking for a friend
getting Fumbles for Pat Tillman....what solo....what def play??? MHC for useful answers
best solos for Pat Tillman grind
EA your marketing plan is foolish......always hinting and teasing, isn't best approach
Do not play WL unless you can accept playing h2h and vs EA
Training Refund?????
what X-Factors can 91 PU Mahomes get besides Bazooka?? mhc for answers
how are are you going in HR?? (poll)
not an EA hater..........but shame, shame, shame
what are the +1s for Coach Madden??
House Rules conspiracy theory
(poll) who did you pull from the NAT WL 50 wins?????
coach Madden +'s, do we know what they are?
best pass rushing X-Factor or Ability
1000 trophies.....Madden or Von???
best solo to grind levels....?
when are the new Superstars live?
WL thoughts so far
about to jump into the Power Game this year, from what I see, my first one will be..........
60 season h2h games thoughts
X-Factors hard to get going......on Defense mostly
Can't wait to play more MUT 19 when MUT 20 drops
how many "career stats" have you completed on the tracker???
is this weekend the last WL???
anyone know ShoddySteak2 on Xbox?
Why Ill skip Madden 20...nothing to do with the beta
looking for someone new to put my 99 PU pass on
1st world madden problems...........
Kittle is the TE we've all been waiting for
a Desync in WL should not count as a lose for you
stock up on your RT, LOLB, punter and kicker pieces for tomorrow
buying up Kickers for Position Heros........only 1 kicker in the 90-91
MHC for the right answer
sitting 10-0 in WL was 85 on Xbox.......then I lose matches to #4, #6, & #7
.............until you pass your series 7
why does EA seem to rig WL???
what are this week's House Rules? and reward?
About 10 games in....UL Ronnie Lott kinda sucks
just beat a very good WL player in the HR - CerebralVictory
Share which Picks you have!!!
buzz about draft picks....remember, here are the OVRs for each pick
72!!!!! cards needed to build on Draft player
sad to see MHC dead.....
Code for today? 4.15.19
I feel like Gold 99s out play their Blue 99 version
top 100 in WL.........can I ever get it?
draft pick solo cards, message here if you are in for trading dupes
I wouldn't be too Egg-cited about Eggs.......
when will we get Color Smash offensive players?
my fully powered Tom Brady $500,000 mistake......and losing streak
solo Draft pick numbers, who do you have
in your opinion, how important is Throw Under Pressure to your QB
WL match making ............I think I've cracked the code
desyncs!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
has anyone rerolled the 40k+ pick set for the 99s like Telvin or Key???
Tips for the current HR event....I'm currently 18-3
yesterday was a great day for Lamar (for me)
what number is your House Rules Gronk???
nice little tip for Gurley.......
HOT TAKE: fall forward was only an issue on goalline QB sneeks
would I be crazy to power up OBJ? pay about 50k TP to by pass his LTD Mover?
We don't need no stinkin' Patches!!!!!!!!! more desyncs now than ever!!!!!! OMG WTF SMH
HOT TAKE. Fall foward wasnt an issue.
title update/patch...........what is in it this time?
current House Rules meta....or at least what I do. I'm 18-1
FA Promo 98 Le'Veon Bell a master................he didn't even play this year!!! 98 ET3 fine
shout out to my guy this morning for the 6th House Rule win
House experience
my rank of Madden game modes, what is yours?
low key, the 97 LT and RT from the Combine promo are the best o-line tackles in the game
what do combine/TB 92 QS for right now? 94s? 97s?
I'm boycotting WL on Friday this week
House Rules pulls....did I make the right choice?
have kickoff options been removed? (sky kick, normal, squib)
honestly, I might hang it up after this WL
MUT level 80 added bonus......kinda nice
MUT Level check in! ........the grind for level cap
Ranking the first 3 House Rulzzzzz so far
House Rules this week...............what do you think it could be?
can someone post the XP rewards for game stats
What to do after my NAT toty? Choose my adventure! Mhc for best advice
yikes Calvin Johnson losses nearly 25% of value in a couple days
Calvin reviews seem mixed.....looking for clarity
is there a new solo for Kevin Greene? thinking about those tokens for free 97 UL
14th win in WL is the hard one to get..............change my mind
PSA: using the APP you can compare market cards with the actual boosted/chem starter in your line up
would you support a special event, where you could only use a single Off play just once, that would be fun
House Rules, "Chuck It Up" review - Pros and Cons
FYI, you can't start the event as of now
memes fun
House Rules event is more about who you play not how you play!!!!!!!!
Could Honors MVP/OPOTY Mahomes rival Vicks at more OP QB?
Coin making tip
what is your biggest Quicksell regret?
beat a player with a "verified" check mark on his Xbox account....what does that mean?
code is 80179.....confirmed so far...........
horrible display of "sportsmanship" last night at the Madden tourney....Browns rep had no class....despite the early game banter
this week in Weekend League
h2h feels tougher now than ever.........but why???
I don't see the AH on the comp app
make good coming, Yes or No.....if so what?
Duo partner XBOX, this morning 915am. 96 ovr
Duo craziness...the CPU did a fake Fg in the 1st Q
Need a Duo partner 96 ovr XBOX. 9pm eastern
title update tomorrow, what should be in it???????????
why wouldn't EA release a full calendar for the year of content
TOTY tip no one is talking about
risked it ...............and got the biscuit
does anyone else see this kind of streaks in WL?
Weekend ya doin' so far?
thinking about throwing about 1.5 mil into the NAT TOTY fantasy pack.....yes or no????????
here is one way EA gets it wrong..... in matchmaking after improving your team
Weekend League win #14 is the toughest to win
Weekend League - this week
with WL open to all....what will it mean?
can't believe it, I pulled an 86 FO from the EAmadden MDD Twitch drops......your best pull????
still only 33 fumbles from to get more?
making profit from select silver O-Linemen....but why?
yippie! won my first All-Madden diamond
I dropped the Pats playbook..........won 7 straight. Won a Super Bowl
oh the Rage.......I just can't believe it (WL sadness)
is mhc selling/buying dead?
do we get a TOTW token set? .....if so what does it yield? 1 free boss I hope
if you Quit.....I'm Quitting (satire inside)
TOTW token set.....what will we get?
moving on from Pats Off Playbook, any recommendations?
how to cross man?
Drop something huge today EA!!! Zero Chill has been great..........but now........blow our minds!
hot take: Vick is overrated. I'm 8-1 vs him at 99/98
where is the link to report Pause Glitching players? just took an L up 21-7 after a pick 6 by me
Remember when everyone was hating on this Zero Chill promo?
it has been fun, but are you actually improving your team/value?
can you pull LTD 96 Sanders in the NAT Past Ghost pack?
Can't use the 92-93 power up pass on Blitz Tyreek Hill?
anything good from the MUT Level 68 rewards for those 4 solos?
quick solo battles question
buyer beware!!!!!!!!!!!! Currently watching Gut_Foxx pull these NAT 95 presents, here are his far after 25 pulls
for those level grinding, what are the points per stats?
just posted the cheapest Coach Madden up under 900k
did set for NAT Taylor...............picked him, but didn't get Card or Master Collectable
Your plan for Series 4?
Snow will turn into Training Points, TP will turn into Shrute Bucks
Zero Chill should be called Solo Clock melt challenge
anything good from last nights EA/Doritos stream on Twitch?
Add.....startes WL 5-5. Damn you Madden Gods
Snow - informer for the OGs
started WL 5-0.....I usually get 12-14 wins......patch might have helped my Def
this WEEKEND LEAGUE update
am I the only one that thinks MUT needs LESS content and LESS promos/new cards
Predict your Weekend League record
if you power down a PU card, does it lose it's Chems or Abilities when you power him back up?
h2h Matchmaking the ultimate enigma
looking for someone to pair up with later tonight for Squad duos, my team is 92 ovr
don't play MUT h2h in the is why!
who are this week's top TOTW players.
Weekend League rewards and your record?
when would Hill be eligible for Powering up vs buying the 93?
92 Kicker Myer is great with Focused Kicker
patch addressing PA Crosser, Nickle Over G, and 335 Crossfire blitz..........
good guesses on what the 11/22 Thanksgiving solos will bring?
If i get enough coinage, I'll build a 95 harvest players just for the 5 - 93 NAT cards back and sell the 95
Kicking Question? Can you still pull back to get more lenght from a kicker with "Focused Kicker" chem
" pressure" message from EA........are opponents buffed by EA in Super Bowl games?????
A fellow Bengal fan wouldnt hook me up in my 1st SB for 5000 training
how many trophies can be won in the playoff portion of a season
The difference between Clutch Kicker and Focused Kicker - Red Chems
best pull from an EAmadden Daily Drops Twitch Pack?
PSA use this YouTube script for 1,000,000 followers (satire inside)
WL strenght of schedule
......let the Thanksgiving promo hype begin............
Matchmaking...things that make you go hmm???
Can Center Kelce UPed to 90 ovr have Identifier ability?
Some post PP Ben Roethlisberger for about 600k, that will ne more than QS coins!
can you straight up buy a Guardian for $5?
Gems???!!!!???? Come' on man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not qualified for WL? I had the 9 win level last week
Should you not build the NAT 90 MF player. As their might be morr to come?
Don't be an idiot like me.......dumbest thing I've done in WL
Team OVR in h2h......better to be as high as possible 90-92 or stay lower like 87....does this effect who you play?
Club Championship qualification ???
Barry and future
I've found waiting till Sat & Sun to play WL is a better/easier time to get Ws
DDA or Pay to Win, match ups, getting "EA'ed"
Worst Redzone pack ever! No elite. 76 gold best card
I got a random "your EA security code is:" text......someone trying to hack?
price check on aisle Madden
this weekend's WL was extra sweaty
next Madden Rewards drop?
what will be in the Hero's Fantasy Pack, today everyone should be able to collect the 4th piece
Can light color rush uniforms be used as "light" uni?
Doritos codes.....anyone got codes that work?
Mut Master Shazier......31 or 32 challenges met.....can't upgrade?!?!
Just 7 Forced Fumbles away from MUT Master.....advice
List of MUT level rewards for 51-60?
do the Solo Battles Blitz continue to offer x3 passing or did they switch to rushing x3?
Super Budget Beast inside............he's only $6k
Yolo'ed my Mut Level 50 Legend pack
91 Telvin Smith the new Series 2 Master
my last minute prep for Series 2, you still have an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MUT Level increase coming?
WL How'd you do?
Is there a legend for all of the Abilities?
is it me, or is Weekend League easier this week?
h2h is it done?
anybody buy these MUT action figures? Say you get 5 "gold player packs"
Building a UK 90 ovr.....this Casey Hayward looks pretty good!
be honest, what is your h2h record?
Too many MLB to use.....Deion Jones, Ray Lewis, Shazier
Series 1 Throphies
Ability Boosts, what is the real cost?
Hey You.....Yeah you.....Did you do your Skills Training????
Uniform and Coach there a list?
The Tyrek Hill card is overrated IMO
My lucky day, pulled 75k from the Daily Goals QS pack
Madden Sportsmanship pledge - Join us!!!
Catching the ball downfield
Weekend League is no joke
trading Tyreek Hill, super fast and help in so many solos
biggest mistake you've made so far in MUT19
Blocking Field Goals
Quick Question, which playbooks include Wildcat?
Lists of Diamond Elite team rewards
advice on order of Grinding
"Real Player Motion" LOVE it or HATE it?
Amazon didn't ship mine early :( Got the HOF, Tuesday was delivery date
...........guess who's back, back again, Rio's back....tell a friend........
current Live "Overdrive" event
best RUN plays to beat the 100 yard Conquerors
is it just me or does KOTB look too close to NKOTB
watch out for RedEagleClass he is a cheat
Trading Fawcett Stadium
Trained stats vs. Base stats.....higher base stats seem better
TOTY....which guys are ballin'?
.........who to use for Training????? Come on gurus, share your knowledge!
Which SB Hero to build and sell?
Is Most Feared Gronk at Safety still worth buying?
is LS Gates no obsolete?
Pro Bowl players. Not many AFC guys....Why?
cutting Pro Bowl players for coaches, question?
"Super Moments Tournament" thread
Last call for Playoff Badges....can anyone think of?
how many Elite coaches when cutting a PB player?
Pro Bowl Elite reviews
PO help from this week's tournament
trading off the Hall of Fame Fawcett Stadium
need new RB, UV Kamara or Playoff Kamara both 92s........................but
Playoff Platinum Playoff badges????
Playoff guesses, how did you do Wild Card week? (report here)
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