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Member since November 2018
Message UnderReview
commented on
18 Oct 2019
why not just have an option everytime u start up the game on the main screen that asks if you would like to enable controller support yes/no? Once you’ve made your selection you are locked into it for atleast 48hrs? My other comment is now that controller support is enabled I can cast my iPad screen to my tv enable a Bluetooth controller and play till my tablet dies lol, I’ve been gone since mid sept and decided to check the forum and read this info, not sure if I want to come back unless ea let’s you decide to play against others that don’t wanna use a controller, I definitely wouldn’t like to be trying to hold my 10in tablet against someone who only has to hold a half pound controller
commented on
20 Sep 2019
and well I don’t miss much about the gameplay however I do kinda miss spending time on these articles reading what the brainiacs have managed to figure out about the current promos to share with the rest of us, I also miss my fat stack of mc in the game (app not deleted), also miss the headaches of trying to complete enough of certain events throughout the day to stay on track to get the masters for free, heck who am I kidding life has been pretty great and have more free time to do absolutely nothing!
commented on
5 Sep 2019
Quote from mmEricmm >> Quote from UnderReview >> so I was gonna stay away but I have all this nagging free time and this dumb app still installed and I barely made it 24hrs without playing it but then I see this alert that says masters series events are 0 ZERO stamina today only so I was like damn ok nice I can’t pass that up, logged in and went to the masters series tab and played the kickoff event since ea is saying it’s a masters series by putting it under the masters series events tab, I win and check my stamina total and I’ll be damned if my stamina didn’t go down, that begs the question, if it’s not a damn masters series event then why the hell is it in the masters series section, screw this game and the lies!
commented on
5 Sep 2019
If it’s not for kickoff events then move them the heck out of the masters section, as far as I’m concerned if they are in the masters section then they are a masters event, I didn’t go to the programs tab and played kickoff, I clicked masters tab then clicked kickoff!
commented on
5 Sep 2019
so I was gonna stay away but I have all this nagging free time and this dumb app still installed and I barely made it 24hrs without playing it but then I see this alert that says masters series events are 0 ZERO stamina today only so I was like damn ok nice I can’t pass that up, logged in and went to the masters series tab and played the kickoff event since ea is saying it’s a masters series by putting it under the masters series events tab, I win and check my stamina total and I’ll be damned if my stamina didn’t go down, that begs the question, if it’s not a damn masters series event then why the hell is it in the masters series section, screw this game and the lies!
commented on
4 Sep 2019
Quote from Waterchickens31 >> There are many reasons to contimplate deleting the app and giving it all away. Personally, failing an event is not high up on my list. To each their own though. Frustration comes in many different forms. Oh trust me it’s not just the failed event, it’s all the other fuckery in this game going on, the Qb refusing to throw when someone gets within 3yrds of his face, making you try and gain 30 punt return yards in 4 attempts when your pr has cement blocks on his feet and is lucky to get 8yrds, hitting wide open receivers in the helmet, scrambling sucks, changing directions with your rb and his speed decreases by 73% after the direction change then he gets tackled from behind (85 Chris Carson btw) 4 dropped my passes in a row to wrs with no one around for 10yrds when my other 5 matches went great with no issues, madden gems being given out like candy but are actually worth pennies, no more madden cash videos heck even a gem video would be ok I guess but yea they finally figured out how much revenue those were costing them I guess, I’m sure there’s about 12 other things I’m missing but yea def not quitting over just 1 event however failing it 13 times doesn’t help!
commented on
4 Sep 2019
Quote from Rshoots >> So sorry to see you go. You have been such a wonderful contributor to this site. Good luck in all you do. Don't forget to unbookmark this site when you delete the app. Thanks for the positive spin and on all my negative whining/bitching posts u just cracked me up
commented on
4 Sep 2019
I’m over it, the stamina events are just stupid ridiculous, there’s a million other reasons but yeah, waste of time and waste of stamina I could be spending to get other things but nooooo I’ve got to be stuck on one and waste 500 stamina and as a purely f2p player it screws me but that’s ok tho cause ea doesn’t want f2p tbh cause they don’t generate any revenue, anyways screw it ✌️
commented on
28 Aug 2019
Wow you sound a lot like myself🤯
commented on
27 Aug 2019
Quote from carbarmar >> Andrew Luck was a great QB......we will never know his records. Andrew Luck was not helped by his OL......multitude of sacks......injuries. The Colts board did not spend on their OL.....that was mediocre or bad. They did not plan well. No need to explain who is the OL and the Colts board in Madden OD. "EA Tiburon" is rather "EA pez piloto" "EA Shark" is rather "EA Pilot Fish" Get back in the corner, you’re still in timeout for another 8min, ah ahhhh (Timmy) turn around!!
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