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Member since December 2013
Message kenchun24
commented on
11 Mar 2019
Quote from qcrett >> Honestly, I just don’t really understand the thought process. The most common sense thing to do would’ve been to finish up the MVPs over the next few days and drop this promo on Friday, when a bunch of players have already signed. Agreed. Finish MVP, then start FA over the weekend once the actual signings go down.
commented on
7 Mar 2019
Quote from NYGbigblue >> Quote from Nikelz81 >> NMS always wants to blame the money spenders on problems with the game yet they fail to realize if it wasn’t for money spenders cards would be so rare u couldn’t afford them LOL.....not to mention with as cheap as EA is the less money they bring in the less money they will spend to make the game
commented on
7 Mar 2019
Quote from 95127 >> I'm not a chump, I haven't spent a penny on this shitpile. At this point I doubt I'll spend money on anything from ea. Same (well $30.00 is what I give to EA's yearly poor product). My Madden routine every year is buy the game late November when it's $29.99, dive into all the sliders/rosters edits via the Op Sports Community for my Franchise, play/test them for a few weeks to see what works for my SimstyleFranchise I commish with my buds. Then I start getting into MUT around Xmas time (even before all the options to team build this year: lots of promo's/events like the great Solo Battles and the really cool House Rules) going back to Madden 25 MUT I find I can build my All Time Raiders Team up pretty quick with the end of season and postseason promo's every year. Even before this years awesome Team Theme Building (finally!) I only ever make All Raider Teams when playing MUT, less work not needing to be a 99 Overall Card/Team chaser. And while I do rip on EA and the handling of this game in particular, MUT this season has been cool with all the ways to Team Build and all the great promo's/event modes (I don't even work the auction at all, I just do my promo's, seasons, solo battles and wait for my Raider cards I want to drop in prices) to build a team NoMoneySpent pretty fast this year. So kudo's to that for sure...anyway
commented on
2 Mar 2019
Quote from popo919191 >> Lol is this a joke? Gonna sue because you don’t like the game? Yea good luck man. Lol. Game plays great by the way. And I been playin since 94 lol YES your comment is a joke...this game has been straight TRASH since Madden 2005 and I've played Madden, Tecmo, Sportstalk ESPN 2K, 989 Sports NFL Gameday, NFL Fever all of them since 1990...the LAST time EA had competition. "Plays great BTW" bwhahahaha to that you head in the sand EA Lemming. Something has to give after this crap patch, failure after EA failure (all their sports titles for years now) after failure (Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2) after FAILURE (the recent Anthem crapfest release). Just stop saying EA is doing a great job in any aspect of gaming except for scamming the consumer with repeated crap product releases and ruining modern gaming triple AAA titles of nearly every genre.
commented on
2 Mar 2019
EA didn't have enough shit on their plate to eat, (stock drop, Anthem release megafail with several honest terrible reviews, with Apex Legends actually being good, but Respawn seperating themselves from EA, unlike the formerly great Bioware is tied to their shitty pay to play model) so they just HAD to mess up the eternally broken Madden after I found usable slider settings I was enjoying for Franchise, Play Now (and MUT default) mode...idiots. GREAT JOB EA!
commented on
28 Feb 2019
Legit answer...EA's pay to play, loot crate, micro & macro transaction, games as a Netflix style service is a bullshit, scamfest, predatory business model has RUINED modern gaming (and former great dev studios) across the board, and more $$$ idiots keep pumping into MUT/FUT/NUT/Lootcrate shit, the more you start seeing EA like Failfests repeat with nearly every triple AAA release nowadays (with Anthem & Fallout '76 being the latest). Personally I want football videogaming to evolve after all this time with EA & WWNFL exclusive deal almost 20 years now, it hasn't. And like Rex said, EA did not care about gameplay, nor in trying to make a truly awesome franchise mode for the first time since 2005, all the "resources" go to advertising MUT every 30 seconds when playing to get gamblers and young kids to spend spend spend for a NO VALUE, CLOSED ECONOMY digital "currency". That scumbag EA CEO Andrew Wilson just plain sucks and needs to go, and a big way to help ALL videogames for many genres is to STOP giving this shit company $$$ via scummy the pay to play model which has created LAZY development, rushed release dates with half finished games etc etc etc - Madden, FIFA, NHL, 2K (even 2K has sadly put more into "ultimate modes" sacrificing their awesome franchise modes more and more each year), SW:Battlefront 1& 2, Battlefield 5 Fallout '76, sad.
commented on
27 Feb 2019
Quote from Dreverse >> It’s disgusting seriously Like what kid or teenager could or would afford this ? Ea should be ashamed of themselves the gameplay is crap and they have the nerve to put that offer out Yup....regulate and legislate this crap already like some Euro countries are starting to catch on to this gambling scam EA CEO Andrew Wilson has used as his main EA business model for years, basically ruining tons of formerly pretty good to great triple AAA titles from many gaming genres (with yet another SHITTY EA published Bioware ruining looter shooter release for the broke cash grab "Anthem")...
commented on
25 Feb 2019
MUT or Madden?...either way, I think it's "addicting" because it's the only WWNFL video football game that exists to purchase since 2005.
commented on
25 Feb 2019
Stupid post. If you want the slow ass, kings of the dinky dunk pocket QB's Brady & Brees to have 99 speed then create your own Franchise Mode roster and play it to your hearts content. The ONLY "petition" EA needs to receive is to stop releasing half assed crappy games: Madden, Battlefront, Battlefield and the recent Anthem crappy release (in which EA ruined the once great Bioware studio).
commented on
23 Feb 2019
NoMoneySpent...except for EA's price drop of their yearly half a$$ed product: $29.99 late November for years now for their glitched out, 50% finished, needs hundreds of patches "Triple A" title... And now my monthly post slash PSA reminder from Angry Joe on the continued infection of Microtransaction Gaming (or in EA's case MACROtransactions lol) which has been so crappy for the quality of product for gamers for so long now, which EA is a pioneer of.
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