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Member since January 2015
Message tts42572
commented on
10 mil...was higher but spent a bit on the triplets last week. Probably will be spending more soon too. Heck, not much game left.....Now is the time to spend if you want to get any enjoyment of using the cards over the next month or two. I've done it in the past where I've saved all my coins until like June to buy up 99's but by then, who cares? I literally get my 99 overall team, look at it for a second, then don't play anymore lol.
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Nice. But that also serves as a reminder why one shouldn't spend much money on this game or go too crazy with your time....They'll just take it down soon enough and there will be zero left to show for your efforts.
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Agree. Been doing MUT for many years and this might be one of the worst promos I ever remember. I mean, first of all, who even wants a Jamal Williams card. And the elevation cards....just stupid. Those are pretty much only for the online try hards. And yeah, these anime cards are plain dumb. Definitely among some of the worst promos they've done IMO.
commented on
Agree. Solo battles break basically killed my competitive pass grind and the grind for my 91 All Madden. I literally had like 1 level left and figured I'd easily make it just by doing the daily solo battle. This has probably moved me off the game for awhile. Been playing the new COD anyways and probably will devote more time to that now. I'll hop back into Madden from time to time but tired of all the glitches and I'm already burned out grinding all these reward passes.
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I'm NMS, don't even play much more than about 30-60 minutes most days and have around 6 mil stocked up. I don't waste time working the auction house either. I just sell everything I get and basically have only played with BND or budget cards in my lineup since day one. Just do the daily objectives, bang out the promos, sell cards. I just have no interest in having a 300-400K 90 overall card in my lineup. I'll wait until I can use that 300-400 K and buy a much better card. Obviously the balance though is that the game might be over before I start spending my coins. It all really depends on how you like to play. I personally just like to slowly build a team and mess around a bit.
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Agree. Not bothering with that stuff. They should change these things to be something like....Win 15 games on rookie level, win 7 games on all pro or win 3 games on All-Madden or something like that. They should incentivize people to play on the harder levels. The game has already worn me out with the repetitive, boring grind winning solo battle games 120-0 every game just to roll up stats.
commented on
87 overall, about 5.75 mil coins, nms. Have to say I'm running our of steam a bit though and new COD is dropping soon. The grind is just really, really boring this year and they've destroyed solo battles. It's just stupid boring to play those solo battles on rookie to roll up easy stats for the rewards. And it's getting annoying that you basically have to grind multiple rewards passes all the time...comp, season, captains, whatever the current promo is, etc, etc. And these TOTW, AKA, Legend grinds are getting annoying too. I don't want to play 2 months worth of challenges before I finally get a reward. I'll probably scale back my playing soon and mostly just do promos and maybe my daily objectives each day.
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Yeah, unreal. I assumed it would be one collectible for a pack, not two collectibles to get a pack that turns out to be most feared or pro max packs every time. I knew I should've just taken the 15K quick sells and gotten the sure coins. And now I'm left with a dumb jack o=lantern collectible in my binder because I had an odd number of them. Hopefully can quicksell for training or something. It was a pretty good program overall but annoying that EA always does something stupid like this.
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This is the approach I take too. I just like to casually mess around. I just sell everything I get, use BND cards in my lineup and I'll slowly upgrade my team. I have an 85 overall team currently and my coin balance is like 5 million coins lol. I could probably easily have an 89 or 90 overall team if I wanted to but I just like hoarding my coins early. I rarely play head to head other than to grind some stats for the reward passes here or there. I could care less if I win or lose those games. I suppose I can see money spent being a problem for those people who are driven to do well online and want to feel like they always have the best team possible. But I came to the realization many years ago that it's pointless to drop money into this game that basically lasts for about 6 months or so. I find it much more enjoyable just casually playing and not getting too caught up in it.
commented on
Not here. I basically hoard my coins. I'm happy staying slightly behind the curve. I just use the free cards I get and then use 79 overalls everywhere else. I have no problem paying 2-3K for some 79 overalls here and there but I'm not dropping 10-15K for some 80 overall guy. And certainly not paying 200K+ for 85-87 overalls. Once 90's start coming out, I'll start scooping up some lower 80 overalls for cheap. I just hate investing big coins early as you lose because they drop in value so quickly and then you lose taxes also. You do that enough times and you're literally throwing away millions of coins. The struggle is real if you like to play online though so I get it. I personally can't stand playing online....It's either some try hard god team or a quitter every game.
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